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Carl Djerassi


Carl Djerassi, Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University, is a man of many achievements, in sciece and in letters. Born in Vienna in 1923, he was forced to leave Europe in 1939 in the face of the Naze occupation. Although he had not completed high school, he was allowed to enroll at Newark Junior College. Following this he went to Tarkio College and then to Kenyon College, where he graduated summa cum laude in 1942.

Carl Djerassi是斯坦福大学的化学教授,是一位在科学和文学方面均有所建树的人。他1923年出生于维也纳,1939年由于纳粹占领,他不得不离开欧洲。尽管当时他并没有读完高中,但是仍然被纽华克高级学院录取。之后他又先后进入塔克欧学院和凯恩学院,在凯恩学院他以最优学业荣誉毕业。

Still short of his nineteenth birthday, he joined the CIBA Corporation, where he and Charles Huttrer synthesized pyribenzamine, one of the first two antihistamines - drugs that act to control allergies. He left CIBA for the University of Wisconsin, where he received his Ph. D. in 1945, at the age of 22. For the next seven years he worked first at CIBA (until 1949) and then at Syntex, S. A., a fledgling pharmaceutical corporation then located in Mexico City. Here he was part of the research team that produced the first synthesis of cortisone, an important hormone, and later synthesized norethindrone, the first oral contraceptive and one that still widely used all over the world.

还不到19岁,他就加入了CIBA公司,在那里他和Charles Huttrer合成了去敏灵,该药是两种最早的抗组胺药之一,用于控制过敏。离开CIBA后他去了威斯康星大学,1945年,在他22岁的时候,他在该校获得博士学位。随后的7年,他先在CIBA工作(至1949年),然后在Syntex, S. A.公司工作。Syntex, S. A公司当时位于墨西哥城,是一家新出现的制药公司。在Syntex, S. A公司他做为研究团队成员之一参与了重要激素可的松的合成,后来又合成了第一个口服避孕药炔诺酮,该药至今仍在世界范围广泛应用。

In 1952 he moved to Wayne University (now Wayne State) in Detroit, as Associate Professor, and in 1959 sccepted a Professorship at Standford University, where he remained ever since. Both at Wayne and at Standford he maintained an association with Syntex and served as president of Syntex Research from 1968 to 1972. In 1968 he helped to found the Zoecon Corporation, of which he also became president and which pioneered in developing hormonal methods of insect control that do not rely on conventional insecticides.


Dr. Djerassi has always been involved in steroid chemistry, but his early interest in synthesis turned to the equally important area of the structural determination of naturally occurring steroids, of which there are many thousands. When he began his career, determining the structure of a single naturally occurring steroid was difficult process that would often take years. As an illustration of the difficulty, it may be mentioned that two German chemists, Heinrich Wieland and Adolph Windaus, were awarded Nobel Prizes in 1927 and 1928, partly for determining the structures of a few steroids, and these structures were later shown (by Wieland) to be wrong!

Djerassi博士一直从事甾体化学研究工作,但是他的兴趣由早期的合成转向了同样重要的领域——天然产生的甾体的结构确定,这一类的甾体有数千种。在他的职业初期,测定一个天然产生的甾体结构是一项很困难的工作,常需耗时数年。做为其难度的一个例证,或许可以提到两个德国化学家,Heinrich Wieland和Adolph Windaus,他们获得了1927年和1928年的诺贝尔奖,部分原因就是测定了一些甾体的结构,而这些结构后来被(Wieland自己)证明是错误的!

摘自Frederich A, Bettelheim and Jerry March, Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry, Second Edition.

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